We offer various Physiotherapy Services in Cairns
We are proud to offer a wide range of comprehensive services to meet the needs of adults, seniors, and paediatric clients. Our team of Physiotherapists have unique skills to develop personalised health care and rehabilitative therapy.
See all ServicesPhysiotherapy
PhysioMotion Cairns provides private clinic Physiotherapy services to the local Edmonton and wider Cairns community. Our experienced team of Physiotherapists can help you to improve...
Find out MoreMusculoskeletal
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy is one of the largest and most common areas of Physiotherapy in Private Practice. Musculoskeletal like the name suggests, involves muscles, joints, ligament,...
Find out MoreSport Injuries
1 in 17 Australians are affected by injuries while playing sport. Injuries can include muscle or ligament strains, joint sprains, bruising as a result of direct contact, dislocations...
Find out MoreStrength & Conditioning (Exercise)
At PhysioMotion Cairns, we pride ourselves on offering top-notch physiotherapy services guided by a dedicated team of highly trained professionals. Our Physiotherapists have undergone...
Find out MoreVestibular / Vertigo Rehabilitation
Our dedicated Physiotherapists, Levi and Amelia, are specially trained to assess and treat vestibular and vertigo issues. They have unique skills to help you regain your balance, improve...
Find out MoreNeurological Conditions
Neurological Conditions Our Physiotherapy team are trained in assessment, treatment and long term management of numerous neurological conditions. We pride ourselves on our holistic...
Find out MoreHydrotherapy
Hydrotherapy or Aquatic Physiotherapy is a fantastic low impact form of exercise. Our Physiotherapists combine hand-on treatment with gentle exercise in the soothing warmth of a...
Find out MoreClinical Pilates
Clinical Pilates (an adaptation from traditional Pilates) is a safe and effective exercise option suitable for management of injuries and conditions. Our Clinical Pilates trained Physiotherapists...
Find out MoreWork Injuries
Workplace injuries can happen suddenly and unexpectedly or over time from a repetitive task. If you have sustained an injury at work, you may require Physiotherapy treatment (see Physiotherapy...
Find out MorePrenatal and Postnatal Care
Many women experience muscle and joint pain during different stages of pregnancy. Our team of Physiotherapists are experienced in managing these symptoms and providing safe exercise...
Find out MorePaediatrics Physiotherapy
Paediatric Physiotherapy At PhysioMotion Cairns, we provide numerous services for babies, children and adolescents. We work closely with local Paediatricians, Doctors, Child Development...
Find out MorePost-Operative Rehabilitation
Physiotherapy is an important part of recovery after muscle and joint surgery. Our Physiotherapists are experienced in progressive rehabilitation to restore movement, function and strength...
Find out MoreMeet the Team
Chloe Buckley
Junior AdministrationLatest News and Updates
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Click here to book an appointment today! Written By Kalani McKenzie Tonga Physiotherapist ...
Read Postaccident or otherwise, we welcome the chance to serve you.